Custom-designed games
Don't get left behind
Custom and combination games for all ages.
Games that Pay is dedicated to having a huge range of games that are improved on a regular basis, because we dont want you getting bored...
Our games are aimed to entertain all ages, with PG ratings, and we will not advertise products that are adult orientated.
We will work with you to create the space you desire for advertising within our games, or create your own game.
Fun games for all the family to enjoy..
Custom GAMES
Build a game, designed to promote you business..
Running on 'The Sandbox' platform, we will build a game specific for you, aimed at promoting your company, a product, or just something fun to get attention and build a fun connection with potential clients.
Ads are merged into the gameplay so you dont have to deal with pop up ads.
You can have a customised shop within one of our games. We have quests that require players to check out each store.